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Friday, April 02, 2010

Cri-J logo contest results


This is Cri-J staff.

This is to inform you of the results of the Cri-J logo contest.

Thanks for the support youve shown for the logo contest.

So many of you showed interest and participated.

There were a lot of very creative eels as wed expected.

Above is the winner among nearly 200 entries.

It was designed by Choroknabi.

(Weve already contacted her and are going to reward her with a small gift.)

The colors and fonts can be modified but the above logo will be the basis.

As weve announced on the previous notice, the logo will be used on gifts and goods for

official events. Therefore, uses apart from that is prohibited.

Thank you again for your love and encouragement.

Your participation and support for these events moves us and it is the biggest inspiration for us.

Big cheers for Mr. Jang and

please show us continuous support for future events.

Thank you.


Source: JKS ofc site

cred : sears@her blog





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